Old School & New School Clash

by Kate Welshofer
Published Apr 26, 2005
Rochester, NY, R-News TV

Some parents in Penfield say how their kids are being taught math, doesn't add up.

The district follows a "reformed" or "new" math curriculum. It teaches mathematical concepts through investigation and discovery. Bill Munch says the method doesn't provide students with basic math skills. He founded Parents Concerned About Penfield's Math Programs. The group collected more than 600 signatures from people who want the district to take a broader approach to teaching math.

"We're asking for a choice to take traditional math for all students for all grades from elementary school right through pre-calculus in high school," he said.

"It's unusual to do that," said Penfield school board president Tony Felicetti, "and what's being described as a traditional math program may not even be in the realm of the possible because the state standards in math are changing again in Albany and we'll have to address those changes this summer." What's happening in Penfield is part of a larger national issue known as "The Math Wars". Educators across the country are debating the merits of new vs. old math.

The Penfield school district says it looks forward to working with parents. It says it plans to hold a public forum to discuss the matter further in the future. So far, no date has been set.

Penfield School District
Mathematically Correct

For more about the Penfield, NY, Mathematics curriculum controversy please visit Parents Concerned With Penfield's Math Programs and see the NYC HOLD summary page Controversy over Mathematics in Penfield, NY, Public Schools.

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