NYC HOLD Honest Open Logical Debate on math reform

A Consortium of Concerned Parents, Educators, Mathematicians and Scientists




Please fill out  the  front and back of this form and return to us at the end of the evening


This information is optional


Name ____________________________   Phone_____________  E-mail __________________


Grades(s) ______________ School(s) ___________________________   District(s)  _______



1.     My child(ren) attend  _____   public school         ______ private school


2.     Is a “new-new” math program used in your child(ren’s) school(s)?

_____ Yes    ______ No  ______ I’m not sure


3.    Check the  “new-new” math program(s) used in your child(ren’s) school(s)       


             _____  TERC      ____  Everyday Math (Chicago Math)

             _____  CMP        ____  Math in Context   ____  Math Trailblazers

             _____  ARISE     ____  IMP                        ____  Mathscape  

             Other(s): ___________________


4.    Are you satisfied with the “new-new” math programs?

 _____   Yes     ____  No       ____  Somewhat      ____  I’m not sure


If you answered Yes or Somewhat, what are you satisfied with?

Comments: _______________________________________________________




If you answered No or Somewhat, what are your concerns?

Please check areas of concern:

_____   absence of textbook    ______  level to which your child is challenged

_____   classroom activities     ______  homework assignments

_____   extent of writing assignments, math journals

_____   basic skills mastery ( +, - , x , ¸ , fractions, decimals, algebra )

_____   classroom testing         _____   preparation for standardized tests


Comments:  _________________________________________________




5.     Is your child being tutored in math?                      ___  Yes     ___ No 

        By a private tutor or tutoring school?                    ___  Yes     ___ No

            I spend $________ per hour for _______ hours per week (per child)

        By a parent/relative/student/unpaid tutor?            ___  Yes    ___ No 

            My child(ren) is/are tutored ___ hours per week (per child)


6.      Does your child(ren’s) school allow supplementation of the new-new math      program(s)? (eg old math textbooks, workbooks)

       ____ Yes   _____  No   _____ Don't Know      

      If you answered Yes, please specify supplemental materials used:



7.     Have you considered taking your child(ren) out of his/her present school(s) because of concerns with the new-new  math program(s)?

      _______Yes ______  No 


    If you answered Yes, please check the options you’ve considered

    _____ other public schools _____ private schools_____ moving out of NYC


Do you have suggestions for how parents, teachers, citizens and/or NYC HOLD can effectively advocate for improvements in K-12 mathematics education in NYC schools?










Please use this space for further comments










Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey.