HOLD Honest Open Logical Debate on math reform
A Consortium of Concerned Parents,
Educators, Mathematicians and Scientists
information is optional
Name ____________________________ Phone_____________ E-mail __________________
Grades(s) ______________ School(s)
District(s) _______
1. My child(ren) attend _____
public school ______
private school
2. Is a “new-new” math program used in your child(ren’s)
_____ Yes ______ No
______ I’m not sure
3. Check the “new-new” math program(s) used in your child(ren’s) school(s)
_____ TERC
____ Everyday Math (Chicago Math)
_____ CMP
____ Math in Context ____
Math Trailblazers
_____ ARISE
____ IMP ____ Mathscape
4. Are you satisfied with the “new-new” math
Yes ____ No
____ Somewhat ____
I’m not sure
If you answered Yes or Somewhat, what are you satisfied with?
Comments: _______________________________________________________
If you answered No or
Somewhat, what are your concerns?
Please check
areas of concern:
_____ absence of textbook ______
level to which your child is challenged
_____ classroom activities ______ homework assignments
_____ extent of writing assignments, math journals
_____ basic skills mastery ( +, - , x , ¸ , fractions, decimals, algebra )
_____ classroom testing _____
preparation for standardized tests
Comments: _________________________________________________
5. Is your child being tutored in math? ___ Yes
___ No
By a private tutor or tutoring
school? ___ Yes
___ No
spend $________ per hour for _______ hours per week (per child)
By a parent/relative/student/unpaid tutor? ___
Yes ___ No
child(ren) is/are tutored ___ hours per week (per
Does your child(ren’s)
school allow supplementation of the new-new math program(s)? (eg
old math textbooks, workbooks)
____ Yes _____
No _____ Don't Know
If you answered Yes, please specify supplemental materials used:
Have you considered taking
your child(ren) out of his/her present school(s)
because of concerns with the new-new
math program(s)?
_______Yes ______ No
If you answered Yes, please check the
options you’ve considered
_____ other public schools _____ private
schools_____ moving out of NYC
Do you have
suggestions for how parents, teachers, citizens and/or NYC HOLD can effectively
advocate for improvements in K-12 mathematics education in NYC schools?
Please use this space for further comments
Thank you very much for
taking the time to complete this survey.