NYC HOLD Honest Open Logical Debate on math reform


What Can A Parent Do?


Ø      Supplement your child's math education through:

¨       Skills practice workbooks.  To determine which skills are expected or useful for your child to develop at your child’s grade level, you can review and compare:

·         “What Did You Learn Today? What Every Student Should Know And Be Able To Do,” NYC Board of Education’s expectations by grade.  These may be gotten from the Board of Education or found at

·         “Mathematics Content Standards for California Public Schools – Kindergarten through Grade Twelve,” which may be found at

¨       Mathematics Textbooks. Some recommended programs are:

·         Singapore Math books.  (These textbooks require a high degree of knowledge on the part of the parent.  To get information on ordering, call, Inc. at 503.722.5671 or go to the website at

·         Saxon textbooks.   (These are reliable and easy to follow though the home schooling packages may be more costly than other texts.  To get information on ordering, call Saxon Publishers, Inc. at 800.284.7019 or 405.329.7071 or go to the website at

·         Math programs adopted by the State of California, January, 2001. (For the list of adopted textbooks see

¨       Tutoring.  The type and cost of tutoring programs vary.  Some centers that focus on skills practice or development are Huntington Learning Centers, Sylvan Learning Centers, Kumon Centers, Wossing Instructional Services.  Another option may be to hire a Stuyvesant or other HS student - HS Offices will have listings of interested students - to work with your child on a textbook or program you’ve selected.

Ø      Educate yourself

Ø      Educate your school and community:

¨       Distribute information at PA/PTA and SLT meetings

¨       Write articles for school and PA/PTA newsletters

¨       Engage the press; write letters and Op-Eds for community and city newspapers

Ø      Make written requests (or demands) for better programs to:

¨       Teachers and Principals

¨       School District Superintendents

¨       School Boards

¨       NYC Board of Education

¨       Copy these requests to elected officials at the state and local levels

Ø      Organize

Ø      Concerned parents may join in NYC HOLD efforts by:

¨       Joining our e-mail list to receive e-mailings of news, announcements, upcoming actions or events

¨       Building a network of parents in their immediate communities, organizing group letters or presentations of concerns to school and district officials

¨       Sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas with NYC HOLD

¨       Helping both to develop and participate in NYC HOLD's efforts to reach one overarching goal: the establishment of a viable means for the active participation of parents, educators, mathematicians & scientists in mathematics education policy and the development of strong mathematics programs and standards in NYC

For More Information Contact


Elizabeth Carson,                     Denise Matava Haffenden,


NYC HOLD Website– Coming SOON






School District 2, Board, Elected Officials & Newspaper Contacts



Community School District 2 (CSD#2)


Shelley Harwayne, Acting Superintendent                      Lucy West, Director of Mathematics

Bea Johnstone, Deputy Superintendent              Mathematics Initiative

Tanya Kaufman, Deputy Superintendent                        c/o PS/IS 89

Community School District Two                                    201 Warren Street, Room 406

333 Seventh Ave, 7th Floor                                          New York, NY  10282

New York, NY 10001                                                 phone:  212.385.3459

phone: 212.330.9400                                                  fax:       212.571.8739

fax:       212.330.9480                                                  e-mail:



CSD#2 School Board Members



Karen Feuer, President                                     Doug Robinson, First Vice President    

phone:  212.674.5153                                                  phone:  718.248.8073

e-mail:                                                e-mail:


Danny Yip, Second Vice-President                               Winnie Li, Secretary

phone: 718.871.6673                                                  phone: 212.344.5878 ext. 16

e-mail:                                             e-mail:


Mary Somoza, Member                                                Brian Ellner, Member

phone:  212.307.9010                                                  phone: 212.373.3171

fax:       212.307.9010                                                  e-mail:



Gloria Martinez, Member                                              Mae Gamble, Member            

phone:  212.554.0426                                                  c/o CSB#2 Office

e-mail:                           fax:       212.220.0400




NYC Board of Education                                         NYS Education Department


Harold O. Levy, Chancellor                                          Richard P. Mills, Commissioner

Office of the Chancellor                                                NYS Education Department                

110 Livingston St.                                                         Washington Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11201                                                   Albany, NY  12234

phone:  718.935.2794                                                  phone:  518.474.5844

fax:       718.935.3383                                                  fax:       518.473.4909

e-mail:                                          e-mail:











Elected Officials



NYC Councilmembers – CSD#2 Council Districts



Councilmember Christine Quinn                Councilmember Eva Moskowitz                Councilmember Kathryn E. Freed

Attn:       Peter Rider                                     phone:  212.818.0580                                    phone:    212.788.7722

phone:    212.768.4344                                  fax:        212.818.0706                                    e-mail:

fax:          212.767.4344                                  Tiffany Lacker, Legislative Aide





NYS Assemblymembers – CSD#2 Assembly Districts



Assemblymember Sheldon Silver              Assemblymember Steve Sanders              Assemblymember Deborah Glick

District Office                                               phone:  212.979.9696                                    phone:    212.674.5153

250 Broadway, Suite 2307                           fax:        212.979.0594                                    fax:          212.674.5530

New York, NY  10007                                   e-mail:   e-mail:

phone:    212.312.1420




NYS Senators – CSD#2 Senate Districts



State Senator Thomas K. Duane                                               State Senator Martin Connor

phone:  212.414.0200                                                              phone:  212.298.5565

e-mail:                                            e-mail:




Links to All NY Officeholders




Newspaper Contact List – Letters to the Editor


New York Post                                                                        The New York Times

e-mail:                                                    e-mail:


New York Daily News                                                 Tribeca Trib

e-mail:                         e-mail:


Town and Village                                                                      Our Town

e-mail:                                                e-mail:




With your child’s math program are you concerned about:


·        the de-emphasis on basic math skills?


·        the lack of textbooks and standard student materials?


·        the hours that your child spends writing and illustrating a problem that took your child fifteen minutes to solve?


·        the level to which your child is challenged in math?


·        the failure of NYC Community School District officials to adequately communicate with parents before implementing experimental math curricula?


·        the fact that it seems that officials in many NYC Community School Districts have a different view of mathematics than you do?



NYC HOLD believes that:


·        basic mathematical skills are the foundation of an excellent mathematics program


·        textbooks and standard student materials are important; they ensure quality, consistency across the program, and are necessary for parent involvement; they serve as a contract between a child’s family and the school, outlining the goals and expectations for the year. 


·        while writing in math is useful, the primary emphasis should be on obtaining mathematical skills


·        officials in NYC Community School Districts should communicate extensively with their parent communities about proposed programs before implementing them


·        parents and community members have the right to be heard and provide input to programs.


·        we should work towards the development of collaboration between NYC educators and university mathematicians and scientists in the selection and development of mathematics programs, and the development of standards and assessments for city schools.