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If you would like to join the NYC HOLD emailing list, in order to receive notice of news articles, new reports, meetings and events, and NYC HOLD activities, please send an email message to nycholdnational@gmail.com. In the subject line type: NYC HOLD email list.
Please provide (at minimum) the following information:
OPTIONAL information we'd welcome:
Are you a parent, educator, mathematics professional, member of the business community, interested citizen, elected official, member of the press?
We would appreciate learning a little about you and your interests in NYC HOLD research and education advocacy.
If you are a PARENT, please provide the grade(s) and school(s) your child(ren) attend. Briefly describe your knowledge of and opinions on the mathematics education your child (ren) have received and/or are currently receiving. Describe the supplementation or tutoring you provide outside of school. Describe the mathematic education you'd like your children to be receiving.
If you are currently or formerly a K-12 CLASSROOM TEACHER, please tell us briefly about your teaching experience. Please share your views and opinions on mathematics education in the school(s) where you have taught or are currently teaching. What are the necessary components of a quality K-12 mathematics program? In your view, what elements of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards based programs are effective and what elements must be improved, revised or eliminated? What are your suggestions for immediate and long term improvements in K-12 mathematics education? (at any and all levels, ranging from classroom practice to federal policy)
If you are a MATHEMATICIAN or SCIENTIST, please tell us your university affiliation and your interest and /or involvement in school mathematics education.
If you are presently, or have served as, a SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR please tell us briefly about your experiences. Please share your views and opinions on mathematics education in the school(s) or district(s) you have led. What are the necessary components of a quality K-12 mathematics program? In your view, what elements of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards based programs are effective and what elements must be improved, revised or eliminated? What are your suggestions for immediate and long term improvements in K-12 mathematics education? (at any and all levels, ranging from classroom practice to federal policy)
If you are a MATH EDUCATION PROFESSOR OR RESEARCHER, please share with us your university affiliation. What are your views on the necessary components of a quality K-12 mathematics program. What elements of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards based programs are effective and what elements must be improved, revised or eliminated? What are your suggestions for immediate and long term improvements in K-12 mathematics education? (at any and all levels, ranging from classroom practice to federal policy) Please provide a bibliography of your research and writing on mathematics education.
If you are an ELECTED OFFICIAL please tell us about your interests and specific efforts and achievements in the area of education policy and reform.
If you are a MEMBER OF THE PRESS, please list your media affiliation(s). We'd appreciate provision of a bibliography of your coverage of K-12 mathematics education reform and tangential education topics. (local and/or national) We'd appreciate being kept apprised of any future reports on K-12 mathematics education.
WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS. Write to: nycholdnational@gmail.com
Return to the NYC HOLD main page or to the News page or to the Letters and Testimony page.