Report on the outcome of a parent petition for an alternative to "Core Plus" Integrated Mathematics

[This is based on an email message of Marguerite Bliss to Elizabeth Carson, May 8, 2005. It is not clear (and wasn't clear at the time) just what traditional mathematics program would be offered. -BJB]

We no longer have the text of our petition on a pdf file. Here is the wording, FYI:

To the School District of Clayton Administration and Board of Education:

We, the undersigned, hereby request the addition of a traditional approach mathematics class to be offered at Clayton High School for all 4 years. The class would offer an alternative to the Integrated Math curriculum currently offered to students not enrolled in Honors Math. All names and signatures below represent parents or guardians of students of the School District of Clayton.

Note: Our expectation is that addition of this alternative to Integrated Math be offered at the earliest possible opportunity, to allow our current Freshmen to enroll no later than the 2nd semester, 2004 - 2005 school year.


A traditional Geometry Course will be offered to current 8th and 9th grade students beginning with the 05/06 school year. In each subsequent year an additional traditional course will be added to the sequence. Integrated Math will continue to be the recommended curriculum for high school students not placed in honors.

Thanks for all of your support. Your website was most helpful to us. Feel free to post our petition and outcome.

Take care,
Marguerite Bliss
Clayton, MO

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