February 5, 2001



Dear Community School Board #2




We are District 2 parents who are astounded at the lack of

Responsiveness by the School Board.  Not one question presented by parents was answered with any clarity.


Once again, we are asking for a response to these questions:


Question 1:  Which schools are integrating algorithms and TERC?

Danny Yip referred to schools that are integrating algorithms and TERC as talked about by Shelly Harwayne at the last school board meeting.  This question was asked and not answered.


Question 2:  What is the timeframe for results of the study into the gaps and deficiencies of the current curriculum being instituted by District 2? Shelly Harwayne said that since the last math forum the District has been aware of this issue.  How long will it take to see some feedback on their investigation?  We asked this question and did not get an answer.


Question 3:  When is supplementation of the TERC curriculum supposed to

begin? Shelly Harwayne keeps referring to this but never gives specifics.  We asked this question at the January 30 meeting and did not get an answer.


Question 4:  What type of supplementation of TERC is allowed other than

Marilyn Burns, which is an extension of TERC math?

Once again, asked but not answered. Is the supplementation uniform across schools?  Asked but not answered.


Question 5:  What are the specific reasons for rejection of the math

forum by the School Board? Board member, Mary Somoza asked for specific reasons for the cancellation of the math forum as follow-up to one of the parent speakers.  This question was asked and not answered.


Thank you in advance for your reply to this letter.  We hope you can be

more forthcoming in this venue than you were at the meeting.


District 2 Parents

Denise Matava Haffenden

Majorie Weinman

Elizabeth Carson

Ginny Goldner

Debby Arias

Garry Dobbins

Jung Hyang Kim