by Barry Garelick
June 21, 2005
[Update, July 12, 2005, by email from Barry Garelick: "I have left several messages with DCPS Ofc of General Counsel the last few days to find out the status of my request. Not receiving any return calls from Erica Pierson, I called that office and asked the person who answered the phone if my FOIA request had been logged in. I gave her the date; she looked it up and said she had no record. I then told her that I had faxed it to her twice on June 21, because the first fax was faint. I said I was going to fax it again and wanted her to log it in. She said "OK" angrily and slammed the phone down. I faxed the letter again and called back after several minutes. I asked if she received it. She was clearly not pleased to hear from me, and told me to hold on. After about a minute she announced they had received it. "Will you log it in?" I asked. "We have received it," she said. "And it will be logged in?" I asked again. "We have it," she said again. [...] Just a hunch, but I don't think I'll be getting any response from my FOIA request." Update, July 14, 2005: here is a repeated request for information to the Office of the General Council of DCPS.]
June 21, 2005
Erica Pierson
Office of General Counsel
DC Public Schools
825 North Capitol St., N.E.,
9th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
Dear Ms. Pierson:
I am requesting information pertaining to the DC Public School Board June 15, 2005 decision to adopt specific textbooks for the DC schools. I am making this request under the D.C. Freedom of Information Act (DC Official Code Sections 2-531 et seq. (2001) ). I agree in advance to pay copying costs.
I request answers to the questions below as well as specific documentation:
Please identify the personnel involved who were tasked with reviewing the various textbooks (mathematics, English language, science, history and social studies), as well as their affiliations (e.g., member of DCPS Board, outside consultant).
Please confirm that the following texts have been adopted for use in the DCPS system.
Elementary Math:
Elementary Science:
Secondary English Language Arts:
Middle School Math:
Please identify the names of other Elementary Math, Elementary Science, Secondary English Language Arts and Middle School Math texts that were evaluated but not recommended for adoption.
Were any reports, memos, or other types of documentation prepared that provide evaluations of the texts adopted (as well as those not recommended for adoption)?
Please provide a copy of such documentation identified in question 4.
Were any proposals submitted to the DCPS school board by the publishers of the adopted texts (as well as those not recommended for adoption)?
Please provide any such proposals submitted for Everyday Mathematics, Growing with Math, Math Trailblazers, Connected Mathematics, Math Applications, Pearson Prentiss Hall, as well as any proposals for texts not recommended for adoption.
Thank you for your attention. Should you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at (202) xxx-xxx.
Barry Garelick
cc: Dr. Clifford B. Janey, Superintendent
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