To Deputy Chancellor Judith Rizzo re New York City Mathematics Instruction

To: Dr. Judith Rizzo, Deputy Chancellor for Instruction

Re: Mathematics Instruction

I just learned that you have been appointed to the Chancellor's commission on Mathematics Education. I am writing to inform you of a view that I believe is held by a large majority of professional mathematicians in the New York City area and around the country. This is that recently adopted math curricula such as TERC and CMP do a serious disservice to students by not teaching important mathematical facts and computational skills and by downplaying the importance of mathematical rigor.

I am writing to find out how such opinions will be represented in the panel's work. In particular, will experts from the professional mathematical community with such views have early input to the panel? Will the panel have open sessions or discussions?

Thanks for your attention,

Jonathan Goodman
Professor of Mathematics
Courant Institute
New York University

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