NYC HOLD Honest Open Logical Debate 

On Math Reform

A Consortium of Concerned Parents, Educators, Mathematicians and Scientists



May 28, 2001


To:  Harold O. Levy, Chancellor

        Dr Judith Rizzo, Deputy Chancellor for Instruction

        Burton Sacks, Chief Executive for Community School District Affairs

        Dr Irving Hamer, Member, Board of Education, Manhattan Representative

        Trudy Irwin, Director of Education, Office of the Manhattan Borough President




Re: June 6th Open Meeting with Mathematicians on the city’s “New Math Programs”


We respectfully invite you to attend an open meeting sponsored by New York City HOLD/Honest Open Logical Debate on Math Reform scheduled for Wednesday, June 6, beginning at 7:00 pm.  It will be held at Tishman Auditorium in Vanderbilt Hall, NYU Law School, 40 Washington Square So. Distinguished faculty of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, as well as mathematicians from Harvard, University of Rochester, CUNY and Manhattan College, will speak about TERC, CMP, ARISE and IMP.


Parents’ concern with their children’s progress in mathematics is escalating citywide; worries are being strongly voiced about aspects of the new math programs just as full implementation takes hold. Parents are tutoring in record numbers. For many of their children, the new constructivist programs fail to provide a sound foundation in basic arithmetic.


Concerned parents have reached out to the NYU mathematics community for analysis and opinion of our programs in hopes of finding ways to amend or extend the implemented programs to reach a better balance in the math instruction.


We sincerely hope you will take an interest in our concerns and efforts to advance the course of math education for our children.




Elizabeth Carson, Co-Founder, NYC HOLD
Phone 212.529.1302 Cell  917.208.7153
