Dear members, associates and friends of NYC HOLD:
I am pleased to announce the launch of a K-12 mathematics education initiative at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
The Courant Initiative for the Mathematical Sciences in Education (CIMSE) is an activity in K-12 mathematics education, that has been informally in progress since 2000, involving a number of faculty members: Charles Newman, Director of the Courant Institute, Sylvain Cappell, Fred Greenleaf, Jonathan Goodman, Alan Siegel, Arthur Goldberg, Al Novikoff, Mel Hausner and Edmond Schonberg.
The CIMSE mission is to help foster excellence in school mathematics education.
CIMSE will support activities to educate college and university Mathematics, Science, and Education faculty, K-12 educators and administrators, parents, business leaders, education philanthropies and members of the community at large on a range of topics and issues in mathematics education, including instructional programs, curricula, standards and assessments, teacher training, research and development, and education policy at the local, state and federal levels, and internationally.
CIMSE is guided by the belief that an educated and informed community, and innovative partnerships between key constituencies of education stakeholders, can help transform the education enterprise to one where educational excellence in the mathematical sciences is part of the customs, practices, relationships and behavioral patterns of importance in the life of our schools, communities and society.
The Courant Initiative for the Mathematical Sciences in Education
Chuck Newman
Sylvain Cappell
Fred Greenleaf
Elizabeth Carson
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
CIMSE year one plans include support and development for a number of NYC HOLD associated activities.
NYC HOLD Honest Open Logical Decisions on Mathematics Education Reform is a national grassroots mathematics education advocacy association of parents, K-12 educators, mathematicians and scientists working to improve mathematics education. NYC HOLD has established a partnership between Courant faculty and parents, teachers and administrators in the NYC education community, faculty at CUNY schools, and at NYU's Steinhardt School of Education. The partnership has grown to extend beyond New York City, to include parents and teachers in school districts across the nation and faculty at a number of universities including Harvard, Stanford, CalTech, Johns Hopkins, Emory, Brown, California State Universities, the University of Texas, and University of Rochester.
NYC HOLD was co-founded in 2000 by Elizabeth Carson, a NYC parent advocate who currently serves as executive director. Founding members and advisors are listed at
NYC HOLD activities include:
Please show your appreciation and support for the work of NYC HOLD by making a contribution today.
Your donation may be made through CIMSE and is tax-deductible.
Suggested levels for Individual Support:
Associate $50 - $499
Advocate $500 - $999
Partner $1,000 - $2,499
Sponsor $2,500 - $4,999
Patron $5,000 - $9,999
Benefactor $10,000 - $25,000
Checks may be made out to:
New York University / Courant Initiative for the Mathematical Sciences in Education
and mailed to:
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU
Office of the Director
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012
ATTENTION: CIMSE, Elizabeth Carson or Charles Newman
Please contact me with specific questions or comment, or for additional information.
Thank you!
Elizabeth Carson
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